It may not be a big deal but when you write a letter to the credit agency, consider writing it rather than typing this and printing it on paper.
To prove a point, it is best to use strong words like erroneous, outdated, misleading or unverifiable. Remember, you don’t have to explain in detail why you are complaining because the supporting documents and an investigation will make the truth come out.
For people who have never written a dispute letter before, there are some samples which you can copy online. Just change the name, the date and a few other details because your concerns are different from what was laid down as a guide.
When you finished writing the credit repair dispute letter, mail it using the postal service and just wait. Normally, it will take 2 week to a month before they receive it. If the investigation has shown that you are right, you will receive a new credit report 2 to 4 weeks later with a higher credit score.
Since 1970, the Fair Credit Reporting Act of FCRA has been in place to give people the opportunity to dispute the claims that are printed on their credit report. If you feel that the report is false, don’t just accept it but take steps so this can be changed.
Now that you know how to write a credit repair dispute letter, get a copy of your credit report and then review it thoroughly.